Parkinson's Disease

Explaining your medication needs

1. I have Parkinson’s disease which affects——————.details————-

2. Currrent medication for this is ————details———–.

3. My daytime medication effectively controls symptoms for periods of between 30 and 90 minutes on each occasion, effective about an hour after taking medication. I can be approximate but not precise as to the effectiveness or duration of action of each dose of medication as it does vary.

4. I have some limited benefit from the medication both when it is taking effect and when it is wearing off. The average time for which the medication is effective, is approximately 1 hour with half an hour on either side for ‘’wearing off and coming on’’.

5. When my medication wears off entirely my functionality, both physical and mental are seriously impaired

6. I cannot be sure that the effect of each dose of medication will be sufficient to enable me to perform or complete a particular task. The extent and time taken to sustain a task or to take it to completion are variables beyond my every day control .

7. The timing of medication is critical to me.

8. The timing of medication is a consideration essential to accommodating my personal self care needs in relation to hygiene, meal preparation and social events.

9. Side effects of my medications can cause me to experience involuntary episodes of drowsiness and to make me feel excessively sleepy. This drowsiness is the direct side effect of the medication taken to counter the effects of my Parkinson’s disease.This is a direct result of treatment prescribed and the absence of alternative therapies.

10. I am dependant on medication.

June 30, 2014 - Posted by | Medication, Self Management

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